Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand
Nathan HardyDeveloper


I have worked as professionally as part of a team on a variety of web applications and services in use by the general public. These include the APIs and public website of 9Now, Channel 9's live streaming and video-on-demand platform, as well as the Appliances Online website, the current Freeview New Zealand HbbTV application, and the ABC' Apple News pipeline.


Below are a list of projects that I have created and published to GitHub. I have also contributed to a number of open source JavaScript projects as a result of my professional and personal work, and you can see these in my forks on GitHub.

Snapshot Portfolio

This website
UTS: HELPS Booking System - Login
UTS: HELPS Booking System - Session Information
Stickies - Login

The above slider is a work-in-progress that was created for use in a University assignment. Its design is not yet complete, and will be improved for the purposes of this site at a later date. The images feature a number of different responsive design website projects that I have worked on, including a number of University projects.